Friday, January 13, 2006

Now There's Blog-Tag

In a pathetic attempt to get me to blog again my sister has tagged me. This is similar to those questionnaire emails that people send out, except it's amongst bloggers. Well, I'm just pathetic enough to play along, the only problem is, I know very few bloggers to tag when I'm done.

Four Places of Occupation:
1. Cleaning house for Ramona King.
2. Walmart (Store #1771 Sturgis, Michigan)
3. The Vantage Group. Not a particularly exciting seat as office manager of a small company. I hardly remember what they did anymore.
4. Cleeton Davis Court Reporters. This was the best job ever. No vending machines. Just free sodas and candy.

Four Movies I Could Watch Over and Over:
1. The five hour version of Pride and Prejudice and any of the other Jane Austin movies for that matter.
2. Ever After
3. Pirates of the Caribbean
4. Tommy Boy

Four Places I Have Lived:
1. Burr Oak, Michigan
2. Duns, Scotland
3. Nashville, Tennessee
4. Ljubljana, Slovenia

Four TV Shows I Love to Watch:
1. Any home and garden type show.
2. We liked CSI before it got nasty.
3. Cops (redneck!)
4. What Not To Wear - I know! The guy on the show is a little wierd, but I still enjoy the show.

Four of My Favorite Foods:
1. Horse Burgers - ya gotta try 'em!
2. Pasta with tortuffi (it's a mushroom)
3. Ice cream
4. Almost anything chocolate

Four Places I Would Rather Be Right Now:
1. Asleep
2. Napping
3. Snoozing
4. All of the above

Four Bloggers I Am Tagging:
1. Jackie Chapman
2. Tisra Fadely
Those are the only bloggers who I know read my blog...


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