Wednesday, October 11, 2006

It's Been A While, Hu?

Like the rest of you, we're so busy our heads are spinning. We have two SaveOne classes going; one here in Ljubljana and another down on the Coast. We were going to give the class on the Coast to one of our trained assistants, but because of one of the participants it doesn't seem like a good idea. So, Wednesdays we're out pretty much all day and then Sundays, right after church we leave for the other class.

Timothy and I are singing a duet in a wedding this coming Saturday. We'll sing Steven Curtis Chapman's I Will Be Here. My body is trying to get sick, but I'm going to attack back today. The couple getting married, Sasa and Dajana, are just precious. There is really no other word to describe them and it's not because they're sugary-sweet or anything like that. They're just precious. Dajana was the maid of honor in Tatjana's wedding last February and since then something must have clicked for them. They've been coming to church, were baptized this summer and have totally committed themselves to Jesus.

Next Saturday is the annual National Ladies Conference and I've been asked to decorate. This is no small order this time. One large room, 100 ladies plus lunch... Where do we put the lunch so that it isn't smelling up the place while the speaker is up there? Where do we sit all these women for the lectures and then to eat also? And Slovene's must sit at tables to eat. How do I make a large open room look lovely and attractive with pretty much no budget? I'm starting to stress.

We're still house hunting also. The landlord came yesterday and again refused to fix the garage door. Then she wanted to know how soon we were moving out! We're not telling her anything. It would be better for us if she asks us to leave in writing. Timothy tells me this isn't my issue to get stressed over, but...yeah right. I had a dream last night that we moved into a nice new house. It was so lovely, but the stairs were open and I was very concerned about Thadeus falling down them.

Thadeus is getting up and down stairs on his own. Of course, we don't leave him while he's climbing. He insists on doing things on his own. He wants to feed himself and if he doesn't get to (he doesn't like to use the spoon, just hands) then he throws his head back and complains.

He says, "hi" when we walk in his room first thing in the morning. If he's getting something good (favorite toy, blanket, food, etc.) he bounces and says, "Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah." If he's not getting what he wants he sticks his lips out and says, "Dy, dy, dy, dy!" or "Nee, nee, nee, nee!" He repeats and mimicks a lot of what he hears and sees. This might be dangerous. He'll study Clay and then try to do exactly what it is he sees Clay doing.

Clay has been calling me by my first name. We were buying him new shoes last week and he started playing a game he'd made up where he runs around looking for someone. It used to be Michael from Mary Poppins. This time I couldn't tell who he was looking for at first, but then realized he was saying my name. He's running up and down the aisles of the shoe store calling, "Kristy, Kristy where are you?" He'd see me and run in the other direction calling again.

We bought him his first belt. I had to add two holes and it's still too big. He calls it his seat belt.

He's asking questions like, "What's happening?" or "What's going on?" He ends the last word of his sentences with a Southern twang. I'm not sure where that is coming from since neither Timothy or I really have a Southern accent.

While working in the garden one day Clay found the little daisies that grow in the yard. He wanted to give them to me, but my hands were in the dirt so I showed him how they could go in my hair, " hair pockets!" He liked this so ran to get more. While I was down in the dirt he was putting little flowers in my hair saying, "Wait a second. (Clicks the tongue to the roof of the mouth.) Mommy, wait a second."


Blogger Mary said...

So sweet. I think Timothy has a southern accent. It may not be strong but it's there.

10:35 AM  

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