Thursday, October 19, 2006

Ladies Conference

Here we go, it's the beginning of my super busy weekend. Today I'll start decorating at the church and see how far we get and hopefully there will be little to do tomorrow. I'm going to take the camera along this time to document the changes. Tonight our worship team has been invited to play at a local Charismatic church. I feel the need to go along and hopefully make some contacts for SaveOne.

Tomorrow Ivana's beau is in town and would like to spend the day with her. I'm very tempted to say, "Yes, go and get tired of each other." Us, our pastors and elders are starting to see something better for Ivana, but we haven't told her that. We have encouraged him (the guy we like better), in a round about way to push on doors even if they appear to be shut at the moment. I hope he's gotten the hints. So, I would like for Ivana and the beau to spend as much time together as possible, with a few guidelines of course, let them get to know each other and that the other is not what they're looking for (I think his pastors agree with us on that point) and then she can move on to the real thing. I can ask my friend from Kranjska Gora to come help me finish the decorating.

Saturday is the conference. Because of where it's being held this year Barbara warned me that some ladies probably won't come. The church it's at is kind of in the ghetto and some Christians are too Godly for the ghetto! PU-LEESE! I think the pastor's wife is aware of this to some degree so I want to make things look absolutely great for her sake. I should send pictures and a report to the churches that decide not to come because of their clean righteousness.

The theme this year is "Lift Your Vision Higher". That's a song; maybe you know it. Because Slovenia is such a small country the people tend to have an inward focus and a negative focus. It hasn't occurred to Slovene's yet to start any type of mission program or to look beyond their borders. A couple young ladies from the host church just went to Poland on a missions trip and will share a dance they learned. The daughter and son-in-law of the Baptist pastors are moving to an area of Slovenia where there is no Evangelical church to start a church plant. We're going to have these girls give testimony, Ivana is going to give her testimony and people who have different talents are going to have some of their handiwork on display all as examples of how our gifts and talents can be used.

The guest speaker is Ruth Schmierer. She said she's been teaching a lot on Deborah lately. I hope this year's conference is more of an impact conference than it has been in the past. In the past it's always been one of these low key, but refreshing, but don't step on anyone's toes, type of events.

After church on Sunday we'll head to the coast again for the SaveOne class there. We're gonna be exhausted! I've made up my mind that next week is all about my boys. Clay asks everyday to go to the airport to see airplanes. We'll go have cakes on the observation deck I think. Tuesday we'll hopefully visit school...then I don't know what we'll do the rest of the week. Isn't that nice!


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