Sunday, February 11, 2007

Why Don't I Blog?

So, being pregnant I don't sleep so well. Add to it a sore throat and a coughing kid and sleep is a non-existant part of my routine for this 24 hour time period. As I was laying in bed...early this morning...wanting desperately to go back to sleep I asked myself, "Self, what should I do?" The answer is obvious.

I tried to get into Kodak to edit some pictures, but that turned out to be a useless waste of my time. I'll try something else.

We've been busy, as I'm sure most of you have, and when we're not busy, I'm laying on the couch resting. Yesterday we looked at a house that we're considering renting. I'm starting to have some strong second thoughts. Then we went south into the hills, almost into Croatia and met with some ladies who want to go through SaveOne. She had goats, rabbits, dogs and other animals and the boys were in their element! They were muddy and smelled so bad when we got home. Clay renamed one of the she-goats Clay..."of course!" We informed the owner of the name change.

We haven't really been up to anything exciting, just the non-stop pace of life. I thought I should write down some things about Clay ("My name is Timody Clay Hall, za sird.") though.
A few weeks ago when we got in from the grocery store, Thadeus was asleep so I left him in the car and Clay was the first one in the door. When you walk in the front door of our house you're in the stairwell and there's another door to enter the main living area (a hallway -> kitchen, living room, etc.). Clay stopped there right inside the front door and started taking off coat, shoes, hat and whatever and my hands were full so I asked him if he could open the other door so I could put the groceries in the kitchen. "Just a midit, Mommy."

He didn't say it rudely or like a brat, it was just a simple request for me to be patient while he did his thing. It was so cute though that I couldn't resist making him say it over and over! "But, you can open the door first and let me in and then take your things off." "Just a midit, Mommy."

At a birthday party for Joshua Gilson we received these "guns" that are for bubbles. They look like miniature versions of my hairdryer. Clay realized this and told me he needs to cut my hair. "Oh, it's dirty, I got to clean it... Lay down, Mommy... It's black and blue and red and brown... Now houd still... Almost done!"

One afternoon I made him a tent with a table and chairs covered by a blanket. He calls it a house. After lunch our routine is that Thadeus lays down for a nap while Clay watches a video and I sleep also. Normally I lay down on the couch b/c Clay's love language is quality time so it makes him feel like we're spending good time together if I'm next to him while he watches his video.

Since we had the "house" up, and b/c I was exhausted this particular day and wanted a long nap, I thought he'd like to watch a video in his house. I can sleep okay during movie time, but a lot of times he'll lean over and whisper in my ear what's going on in the movie. I guess he's afraid I might miss something. He liked my idea and chose the Heffelump Movie.

I came in after my nap and he was totally engrossed. He saw me coming and told me to go back to sleep! Maybe he thought I was going to turn the movie off.

One more Clay story and then I'm done. The other day he didn't want what I had made for lunch and asked for pancakes instead. I said pancakes were a good idea, but we should have them for dinner since I already had lunch made. That evening, Timothy was working late or something, the boys and I sat down to a pancake dinner in front of a movie. Clay had a straw with his juice and I cut up the pancakes so he could pick them up and dip them in his syrup (Aunt Spanky style) hoping there would be less mess.

He'd finished his pancake and I went to get a rag to clean the boys, but when I came back Clay had the straw in the cup of syrup drinking the syrup! GAG!

Oh wait, one more thing, his new favorite phrase, when he doesn't like the song I'm singing or if I'm watching one of my movies, "It's pretty loud." He told me that in the car one day and I said, “Okay, I’ll sing quietly.” I was singing very quietly to myself and I hear him whispering “It’s pretty loud,” from the backseat!

On my next sleepless night I'll write about the absolutely, adorable Mr. Thadeus.


Blogger Mary said...

Ahh. So polite in his critiques. Well, except for the hair comments. Isn't this like the best age? I was mentioning to Kris how incredibly reasonable Owen has become.

4:19 AM  
Blogger Tisra said...

Good for you- it looks like you haven't had another sleepless night!

1:18 PM  

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