Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Busy, busy, busy

Our shopping trip Saturday was successful! We stopped first at the used clothing store and were happily impressed. Everything was clean and looked nice and items were tagged clearly. They didn't have anything maternity, no running pants and nothing for Clay, but I did find a couple sweaters for $7 each. Next we stopped at Intershpar where clothes are very cheap. I didn't see any jeans for Clay there either, but I found a couple pair of running pants for me. After washing one pair we discovered a 5 inch space that the sewing machine missed. Aiko has had similar experiences buying clothes there. The final stop was at Baby Center. They have really cute clothes there and if we ever have the money my friends and family with babies are going to find themselves with some adorable items! There's a small maternity section and I found a pair of jeans hidden in the corner that I loved! They don't come way over the belly so were more comfortable for me there. They're way too long, but Ivana said she would hem them up. I think they ended up being something like $60/$65. That sounds expensive to me, but I'm determined that I'm not done having kids yet so I thought the price was justifiable in the long run. We also found Clay a pair of jeans that were marked for 9 months, but are huge on him. They should last him until the end of the summer. Timothy got a little something too on our shopping adventure; 3 pairs of socks!

Sunday we met with the owners of the house in Vodice, Max and Ann. They were very warm and inviting, but he let us know he couldn't come down on what he wants for the house. He does have some contacts for us for Lexxus and is more than willing to work with us on that. We like them very much and they promised to have us over for home made Thai food!

Clay got a nice, fat, bloody lip Sunday before church. Before we realized it was bleeding I was holding him tight against my favorite sweater, which happens to be white. Nice! I put stain stuff on it right away and hopefully the drycleaners can get it out!

Clay will consistently tell you where Baby is now. He enjoys it and thinks it's a great joke. Sunday at church Ram asked him where Baby was and Clay pointed at his own belly. We all laughed, but then that hurt Clay's feelings. I almost told him that we weren't laughing at him, but that would have been a lie.

Aiko had surgery last week to remove a (non-cancerous) tumor from her uterus. She'd never had anything like surgery before and was a little nervous about going under. She was asking me all kinds of questions and I told her how much I loved being put under! I hate it when they wake me up! We kept Caleb on Monday so nothing got done around here. He's kind of a clingy little kid and Clay didn't like it that someone else was getting my attention.

Yesterday was the monthly SILA meeting and we were supposed to have Dr. Jane Goodall (the monkey lady) for a special guest, but her flight from Munich was delayed so no Jane Goodall. I did meet a new friend though! Her name is Kristin and she's originally from California. She moved here 15 years ago when she was about 20 years old to be with the man she loved!

She was telling me how, because of the school systems in Slovenia, her 15 year old son is going to have to go away for high school next year. She said she's having a very hard time of it and cries whenever she looks at him. I happened to have Wild At Heart with me and I was showing it to her and how I had just read the part about mothers cutting the apron strings and it seems so hard now that I have a son. Then I brought up Dr. Dobson's book about boys. She said she loved Dobson. hmm

A little later she kinda leaned in and said that they are protestants too. So I asked her if she likes Joyce Meyers. "I love Joyce Meyers!" Hu? Another spirit filled Christian in SILA? We exchanged information and she promised to call and invite us to their place. They live about an hour away so she hardly comes to the meetings. Her husband collects animals, including llamas and reindeer and she said if we can come while there's still snow on the ground that we can have a sleigh ride pulled by reindeer! WOW!

I'm still on a bit of a high from meeting Kristin. I'm becoming closer with the girls at church, but the very fact that we're from two different cultures makes the friendship process a little longer. I finally feel I have more of a sister-type relationship like I had with Julie Trandahl, Christina Spitters or Noelle Schimick.

It's Wednesday morning and time to get busy. I have lots on my to do list to catch up on.


Blogger Mary said... made a friend among the snobs. What a deal!

8:10 AM  

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