Friday, March 04, 2005

Prescription for Growing Pains

Mary Jo's comment on my last entry has finally made sense. ...not that she doesn't usually make sense... Timothy and I haven't been completely comfortable with ignoring Clay's tantrums, but it's the only thing we've known to do. It's opposite of what he wants so we figured that to be the right form of discipline.

Also, let me clarify. Clay doesn't throw a lot of tantrums! He's a very good natured kid who has a lot of fun and has the ability to find fun on his own. Like right now. He noticed his books lying all over the floor and made up a game of spitting on them. Maybe it's his way of annointing them. It doesn't matter! He's content and the books aren't going to be harmed in any way. A few minutes ago he went and got the toilet brush and tried to clean his feet with it. He's catching on to the idea of cleanliness, but the method needs a little tweeking. He's really a blessing to have as a son.

So, the new course for anger management when Clay doesn't get his way is to distract him, and then if that doesn't work, we get out the spoon.

He's also caught on to the concept of hitting when he's angry about something. I don't like this concept and it is immediately followed with the spoon treatment. The nice thing is, I don't have to hit him very hard to get my point across. Originally, because of Clay's personality, we thought he was going to be one of those kids who only responded to time out. Time out seems like the easy way out! I'm also glad he's not one of those kids you have to beat several times on the back of the leg to get a response out of! One good whollup with the spoon and he gets it! His heart is broken and he curls up in my arms. That's my favorite part.

In other news, I am almost grown out of my clothes. I feel skinnier this pregnancy, but a quick check with Kathy Williams told me that my weight is about the same. hmm Unfortunatly I don't have those jeans of Tisra's to borrow this time and the trousers that Barbara Telzerow let me borrow are all too short. My fat jeans are getting tight in the tummy so we're going to have to go shopping tomorrow.

Clay's jeans are too short also so he needs new clothes as well. Thankfully, we just found out that there is a second hand clothing store in Ljubljana. That's a small miracle since the Slovene's are all so image driven! I'm going to ask the receptionist at QSI where it is, she's the one that told us about it, and we'll probably shop there first. I also need maternity pants for around the house. I like to wear running pants at home b/c they're so comfortable.

We've got another bite on our Lexxus business and hopefully it's a good one. The wife is very serious about working from home and the only reason she's doing office work right now is b/c she doesn't want to be bored. This has potential to be a big recruit!

We're still negotiating on the house we want. Everytime I let it go something happens or is said and I'm back in that dangerous cycle of operating in my emotions. We need prayer for a financial miracle and for the decision makers in this process to have imagination.


Blogger Mary said...

Tisra is done with her maternity jeans...what would it cost to mail them to you? She just brought all her stuff and mine back to the house this week so I'm sure the jeans are in there.

6:12 AM  
Blogger Kristy Jo said...

It's not cheap to mail things here. Timothy and I are going shopping this morning and hopefully I'll be able to find something. If not, I'll let you know.

12:11 AM  

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