Saturday, June 18, 2005

Reasons For Not Posting

a. Have felt too sick to sit at the computer.
b. Have not had time...really!
c. Have felt too fat to sit at the computer.
d. Have been too discouraged to post a blog.

I did write one up the other day, but lost it when I went to copy it. Oh well. It was depressing anyway.

I have been pretty discouraged lately. One reason being that I have no self-discipline. I'm trying to avoid sugar and excess dairy, but having a very hard time. The sugar isn't so hard, except for chocolate, but I crave milk so much! I want it all the time, usually accompanied with some sort of cereal. I just finished two bowls of cornflakes with brown sugar!

The other discouraging thing is our house situation. Our landlords informed us that our contract on this house states that we have to give them a three month warning in writing; or vise versa if they decide to sell. Why didn't someone at QSI or our lawyer tell us that? So, now we're here until September, which might turn out to be a good thing since the landlord of the new house is now trying to get out of the agreement of 1000 euros a month.

We found out this week this weird landlord had some people come and look at the house while we were in the States, that's his motive for avoiding us and not signing the contract. Instead of just telling us that he's been giving us this story of, "...if you move in and your wife has a baby and then you have to move right back out b/c we sell the house that will be too much stress on your wife." Timothy's answer: "Think about how much stress you're putting on her by keeping her out of the house she wants."

I am discouraged, but not really worried about it. For one, I know God is going to take care of us. Two, we believe that He's spoken to us and He wants that house so it's not even in the landlord's hands.

There's more to the story, but I'm too tired to go into it right now. Good night!


Blogger Mary said...

That landlord at the big house doesn't understand that if he doesn't rent to you guys, he's just going to go without. Oh well.

5:45 AM  

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