Thursday, April 07, 2005

Little Eyes are Watching

Last night I overheard Timothy cautioning Clay about leaving marks on the wooden arms of the rocking chair with the baby finger nail clippers. I looked up to see Clay squatting and pretending to clip his own toe nails. After clipping a nail he would stand and tap the clipper on the rocking chair arms. This is what I do when I trim his nails. He sits on my lap in the rocking chair and I clip and then tap the nail out on the arm until I'm done, then gather up the clippings and throw them away. Clay was just repeating the process. It's amazing the things they notice.

Clay has had a runny nose from teething. His number 4 teeth are out on top so we have 10 teeth total in this little mouth. The number 3 teeth on top are putting forth a good effort and I can feel them under the gum. We've been handing him a small bit of tissue at a time and asking him if he can blow his own nose. He concentrates really hard at keeping his mouth closed and expressing air through his nostrils. And he uses that whole bit of tissue! Blow, fold, blow, fold... When he's all done he wads it up real small and throws it away for us. Sometimes when he's handed the tissue he finds a particular spot on the floor and cleans that instead of his nose. We don't know what is on the floor or how he chooses his spots, but he seems to have a system of his own.

He's also trying to change the way he talks to us. It sounds like he's making real effort at unnciating something, but it just sounds like a bunch of gurgling noises to me. Lots of 'g' and 'n' sounds.


Blogger Mary said...

You got him in trouble. There are lots of other neat tricks you can pull to get him in trouble with Daddy if you think real hard.

6:24 AM  

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