Sunday, October 23, 2005

I'm a Driver; I Drive!

I've been practicing driving stick shift. To say the term "stick shift" sounds so redneck, but it's easier than saying "manual transmission". I could give it a cool name and change it to "double S", but that sounds like a code and no one would understand so there's no point in doing that.

I'm starting to get the hang of it, but am seriously wishing that I'd learned when I was younger. I drove to church today without any stalls or nervousness; even with other cars following me. I have plans to drive to the plant nursery tomorrow morning. I'm trying to plan some place to go every day.

The deadline for foreigners to get their Slovene licenses is February. After that I'd have to go to the driving school and all that. As it is now I can practice with an instructor and then take a test and get the license, which is good until I turn 80 or something like that.

This morning our landlords brought a couch over for the family room upstairs. Now we can use it for more than kicking a ball back and forth. We need some more furniture, but I'm reluctant to ask the landlords for it. Long story. It's all small stuff and there are pretty good discount places to shop (or we could go to Austria) so I'll probably get it myself and then we'll have some of our own.

Timothy and I worked out yesterday morning. I'm sore!


Blogger Tisra said...

I am from CA and they said "stick shift". I don't think it's redneck at all!

You mentioned nervousness. I completely remember that. Nervous about big hills and nervous about some impatient person pulling up behind me. Now I haven't driven a stick in years; I wonder if I'd be nervous again or if it floods back and is easy to do.

So glad you updated. Hope you're hanging in there and have help with the house and kids while Timothy is so busy.

And, when you have time, I'd be interested in the landlord story. What kind of furnishing are they expected to provide? Things can be so different over there.

2:55 PM  
Blogger Mary said...

Well...good for you! You'll enjoy the stick shift thing once you really get the hang of it. I even miss it sometimes. Do they keep the roads pretty clear there when it snows? How far out of the city are you now and is it the same out there? I would imagine that they are pretty much on top of things. No, closing the schools because of flurries or anything. I'm just wondering if you'll feel comfortable with the stick before there are slick roads. I'm confident that you will be.

8:06 PM  

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