Friday, October 21, 2005

It's Been So Long...

It's 6:30 a.m. and I really don't have time to blog, but I will...

Yesterday I laid a teething Clay down for a nap. He had a temperature all day and wasn't quite himself. When I was walking out of the room we shared the following dialogue.
"In Jesus' name you're going to be 100% better when you wake up! Say 'yes'."
Laughing: "I love you."

Thadeus has a big mouth...and uses it; usually to smile:) I'll put more pictures on an album in another week or so. I got some good ones of him smiling and a short video of him talking to the valve on the washing machine. The valve is to him what Owen's shelf used to be to Owen. A first friend. Someone, or something, to talk to when you're getting your diaper changed.

I have clothes lines in my basement and do a load of laundry every night. Just before going to bed I hang the clothes up so they're dry by morning. The dryers here are convection and work pretty slowly and use a lot of energy. I like this system better.

Timothy is very behind, and quite stressed, at work. I think it's going better for him than last year, as far as having done it before and being faster, but it's frustrating to know your work won't be caught up for months. His job is turning into a year round occupation, but in order for that to happen the schools would have to have year round accountants. He does a great job and has become a major asset to the headquarters here.

Gotta go wake Timothy up and get the clothes.


Blogger Mary said...

Good to hear from you. I do need to see pictures of Thadeus. I keep wondering what he looks like by now. Have you done anything to the house?

5:55 AM  

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