Tuesday, October 25, 2005


Sitting in church on a Sunday morning my almost-two-year-old climbs into my lap, wraps his little arms around my neck, pulls me close and zerbits my cheek. During the sermon this is quite a funny noise, but it was still hard for me to tell him "Not right now!".

Today was on-again, off-again sunshine. Aiko and her two kids, me and my two kids and Ivana went to a near by park, but the weather decided to get cloudy and windy so we couldn't stay the whole afternoon like we had planned. Shortly before we left I noticed a family walking by that looked so familiar. I wondered if they were some that had visited church recently, but I knew that wasn't right. Then it hit me, she had been one of the two women in my hospital room when Thad was born. She recognized me too and we were able to chat for a short bit. Neat!


Blogger Mary said...

Well, maybe that family is supposed to be in your church. There's no such thing as a coincidence is there?

I'll bet Clay knows that it's hard for you to say that. He knows that he's cracking you up. Hee hee hee.

11:30 AM  

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