Wednesday, April 19, 2006

New Accomplishments

Thadeus has his first tooth! It's been bothering him for some time. Yesterday I could see it right under the skin and about midnight last night he woke up yelling. Uh, hu. I fed him and got him back to sleep and then felt around. Sure enough, there was the edge of it jutting through the gum. He slept the rest of the night...but Clay didn't. I'm not sure why...

Thadeus has also been scooting on his belly. Yesterday I locked the keypad on the telephone and set it a little ways in front of him. He would push with his feet until his bottom was in the air and then maneuver his top half forward until he got it. I need to capture that on video.

On the Clay front... His newest phrases are: "Daddy (or whom ever he's looking for) where are w-you?" He sings this question. Then when he finds who or what he's looking for he says, "Oh! Dare you-war!" We told him Frank and Chena Underhill's daughter Ruth was coming for a visit. I said, can you say "Ruth"? He says, "Jermy an Oof." I told Ruth about that. She said he's about ten years too late. Yesterday Clay was trying to tell me something and calling me 'Honey' instead of 'Mommy'.


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