Thursday, April 06, 2006


I was getting ready this morning and could hear Clay and Thadeus across the hall in the family room. Clay was saying, "Good job, Baby! Good job, Baby!" I was able to peak in without being noticed. They were sitting facing each other, but a little ways apart, beside each other. Thadeus had a toy and Clay had the piano. Thadeus would reach over and hit Clay on the leg with his toy and Clay would say, "Ouch!" and then hit Thadeus back on his leg. I think Thad thought this was a game. After the second or third time Clay took Thad's toy away from him and turned back to Thadeus with that infamous index finger sticking out, "No, no, Baby!"

They played a little longer and then I heard Clay apologize and peaked back in, in time to see him give Thadeus his toy back. I'm so glad they're starting to interact more.

Several days ago Thad was lying on his stomach and very annoyed that he wasn't being held. Clay got down on his stomach so their noses were almost touching. He tried to rub Thad's head and comfort him, "It's okay, Baby; it's okay."


Blogger Mary said...

awww. That's so sweet. You have to try to get video.

8:02 AM  

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