Now What?
My busy spring is drawing to a close this week, but other things are already in the works. I'm almost ready for Nana's wedding Saturday. I made 8 little rose/daisy flower arrangements for the church pews that will also double as throwing bouquets. We have all but one item we need for the we just need to get into the church and put it all up!
Shortly after moving into this house the landlords came to us with some sob story about how they were lied to by the realtor and didn't know they had to pay so much in taxes; blah, blah, blah. So, they've been talking about kicking us out almost as soon as we got in. This is highly inconvenient! A couple weeks ago they called and said we can stay if we'll pay 100 more euros/month. No. The price is listed in the four year contract, which they signed. Also, according to the contract, they have no legal grounds to ask us to leave. I wonder if they read the contract.
We'll start looking. These people have done other things that make them appear very dishonest. We don't feel we can trust them, but we are going to refuse to bend over backwards for them. We'll leave when we find the right house for us, not when it's convenient for them. If they want us out sooner they can hire a realtor to help us look!
Last night we had a meeting of the core leaders of the church. Steve has been made an offer to buy a large space for our church. I didn't catch everything, but it sounds like the owner almost cut the price in half when he found out we were evangelicals. He's had other contact with Christians like us and was excited to meet more since he'd lost touch with those people. It's still a lot of money, more than our church makes, which makes the lady who does our finances nervous. But, new salvations are starting to be seen almost every day. Last summer, in June I think, there was a word of knowledge given to Steve at another leaders meeting, that we need to be ready in 18 months.
Slovene's are so funny. We spent hours last night, every one saying the same thing, over and over. Basically there were two simple decisions that needed to be made. 1: Are we interested? 2: What is the next step? It took three hours to answer these two simple questions b/c everyone had a story to tell or an opinion to add to the pot, but mostly stories to tell! Crazy Slovenes! Once these two questions were answered Ram and Timothy kept saying, "Okay, let's pray and go home."
We feel like we're in Vision to Victory all over again. One of the things discussed was sacrificial giving. Timothy mentioned moving into an apartment in town and selling one of our cars. We'll just wait and see where the Lord leads.
Last summer my sister Mary wrote in her blog about having faith for everything. I can't remember off the top of my head the details of what she wrote, but it has certainly stuck with me. Since Thadeus' birth life has seemed out of control. I'm used to being in control. So many things have come up this spring (baby showers, wedding, SaveOne conference, driving, etc.) and I really felt "allowed" to do them. It means I've had to commit each moment to God, step back and watch the magic! There is no way all of this could have been accomplished by me. Things have just fallen into place when and how they should.
Seeing all of this happen through me, but seemingly without me, gives me the confidence to face the next challenge with the landlords and, my next big venture, Slovene lessons!
Was it this one:
I needed to be reminded of that...I'm feeling a little overwhelmed.
that is supposed to be...
You're right- God does it; it is not by our strength, it is by His Spirit that these amazing things happen. slovene lessons- how exciting! It is a wonderr to me that you've managed as long as you have without really knowing the language. Really, how do you do that?!
It's way too easy to get by with not knowling any, or only a little, Slovene. Most everyone speaks at least a little English.
Yes, Mary, I believe that was the one. Thanks.
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