Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Our mad, mad, mad, mad life...

There's someone from the U.S. State Department going to be at the QSI offices today so everyone has been warned to be in their finest office attire. Mike, the Director of Operations, is the one who is really big on this "keeping up appearances" bit and even though the man wasn't scheduled to be there until today, as early as last Friday everyone was supposed to be dressing nicely. Unfortunately for Mike, he had to go to Venezuela last Friday and while the DO is away the rest of the office will play. Someone got the bright idea to wear jeans on Friday and have someone photograph the naughtiness. Everyone else, including Jim (the president), thought this was a fabulous idea so Timothy took our camera to work and the receptionist made the pictures of the entire office staff flaunting their denim. Well, Jim put on a pair of shorts.

We had a very nice weekend in Slovenj Gradec. Good food and good company. They're very laid back people so Clay felt at home immediately. He and the cat had a good time chasing each other around the house. Lucija's dad, Borjen, is a woodworker on the side. He's made most of the furniture around the house including their king size bed. hmmm This is nice to know. He built a gazebo in the back yard complete with a cupboard for the outdoor dishes and wine, a shelf for a stereo and electrical lighting. He also built the table and chairs in the gazebo. We were very impressed.

The Monday after Easter is a holiday in Slovenia, and probably most catholic nations, so Ivana didn't have class last night. Timothy and I went to see Hitch. I would have liked to stay out longer, but since he had to get up for work in the morning we had to opt for the early show and get back home.

I've been sick as a dog this morning, but Clay keeps trying to cheer me up. I went back to bed after refunding my breakfast and he played on the bed while I rested. We had a good time. I'm feeling better, but have a bad headache. For someone who almost never gets headaches any headache is a bad one. I think I'll shower and put a movie on. Maybe read some more in my book. I've made up a list of major spring cleaning projects for Ivana and I. My rule is that when I'm not feeling well and don't want to work she doesn't have to either. It makes me feel guilty when she's doing all the work and I'm just sitting around. She offered to clean the fridge anyway this morning, it's on the list, and I told her that it's completely up to her. She's almost done. Good for her...


Blogger Tisra said...

Are you paying Ivana, or what is the agreement there? And if that's what she's there for- don't feel guilty. Now more than ever is the perfect time to utilize help.

2:25 PM  

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