Thursday, March 24, 2005

Ping-pong at Age One

Ever play ping-pong with a one year old? Clay watches Daddy and Mr. Kevin play at the office and has a pretty good understanding of the game. We were with Timothy Tuesday morning to get our visas renewed and Clay went straight for the basket that holds the balls and paddles. I handed him a paddle and a ball and took another paddle for myself. He walked to the far end of the table, which he couldn't even see over, reached up and attempted to throw the ball across the table. Then he just stood there and waited for me to return it. All I could see was the top of his blue winter cap. He was so serious about it too. He was going to play. Somehow I was able to convince him that we didn't need the table to play and we walked around throwing the ball to each other while just carrying our paddles.

There's an old man who sells handmade wooden products and baskets on the corner across from the local grocery store. There are all types and sizes of baskets, plus brooms made with twigs, wooden toys, boxes for this and that, benches, etc. Yesterday I bought a rake. I've been watching the older people with their old-fashioned wooden rakes and like what I see. It's sturdy like a garden rake, but wide and just flimsy enough to be a lawn rake also. I purchased one for 3000 Tolar (between 15 and 17$).

I put it on the back patio yesterday and Clay couldn't wait to get out there and use it. He's out there again this morning and he just stepped halfway inside and started lecturing me with his index finger waving in my direction. I got it on video, but Timothy has the camera today. I should try and get it on the webcam and email it. He has a little OshKosh train engineer hat on and an insulated flannel jacket. He got his hair cut Wednesday so is looking very boyish.

It's started to rain and I didn't get the webcam out in time. Clay would be happy to sit there and throw birdseed off the patio even in the rain, but it's probably not the best way to prevent a cold.


Blogger Mary said...

Owen would be the same way. If I let him he'd go outside in the rain and play for hours. Cold yucky rain too. He just wants to be outside. We need a fence so badly.

5:45 AM  

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