Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Little Man

Yesterday evening I was getting things out of the fridge and informed Clay that as soon as Daddy walked in the door with the tortillas we would be ready to eat supper. I turned around to find him climbing in to his high chair by himself. We don't have the standard American high chair. It's more like the kind you would find in a restaurant. My heart stopped for a second, but I was able to keep myself from yelling and scaring him.

He did that again today for lunch, but this time I was prepared and standing right behind him. When he got in I congratulated him on being such a big boy. He put his hands on each side of my tummy and gave my belly a big open mouthed kiss!

Clay is getting closer and closer to actual words. He's been repeating what I say a lot the past couple days. This afternoon I laid him down for his nap and instead of putting his head on the burp rag like normal he sat up and gave me a big grin. I said, "See ya later, Charlie Brown." He repeated with a couple syllables and 'ch' and 'b/n' sounds.

He has a new...thing. We first noticed it Sunday morning. He walked into the living room, looked at Timothy and I with a serious expression and took the stance of a sumo wrestler then growled and flexed his muscles. We taught him to flex the muscles, but I'm not sure where the drama comes from. Probably Timothy's side.


Blogger Mary said...

My theory is that Clay has all the words in his head and knows exactly what is said and what to say he's just in too big of a hurry to try to get them out right now. When they start becoming easier to say...you'll be amazed at all he knows.

5:31 AM  
Blogger Tisra said...

Dean was somewhat like that. But once he got going, he really jumped into sentences faster than I expected.

6:40 AM  

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