Us and Our Yuckiness
After my nap yesterday the upset tummy I'd been experiencing all week decided to become unbearable. Three cheers for the stomach flu! I was sick a couple times during the night and have been very weak today, but I think I can handle food again this evening. Ivana got home from cleaning houses and had it too. Timothy had it some on Monday and I already wrote about Clay's episode Monday night. Hopefully it's done now with our house.
Clay has learned how to zerbit. It's probably not a polite habit to teach your child, but I enjoy it very much. He is very neat about it though. He only zerbits his forearm and after each noisy display he wipes off all the spit, usually with Thadeus' burp rag. It's so nice of little brother to share.
Thadeus rolled over from his tummy to his back yesterday. He really doesn't like to be on his belly very much. He worked and worked until he was on his side and then threw his upper body so he would land on his back. He's a little mighty man of valor!