Saturday, February 11, 2006

11 February 2006

6:30 a.m. Thad and I are sitting here and he's telling me, "da-da-da-da!" He's a very informed individual. I tried to take some video on the webcam so we could email it, but the camera isn't working. I hope it's something Timothy can figure out or just the lens needing to be cleaned and not a need for a new camera.

Thadeus is like Timothy and Clay is like me. As a baby Clay lived for routine. We did the same thing every day and his little body liked it. Thadeus seems to live to ruin my routine. I think I have a schedule figured out for him, but it calls for times of intense crying and making sure he's good and tired. Thad is sleeping for nine hours at night and at least three in the afternoon so it's worth the fuss.

There are things we need to get on video that Thad does. One is his "da-da-da-da" talk. Another is his laugh. When he laughs really hard he starts screaming. It's not a high-pitched annoying scream. It's a deep throat growling scream.

We've purchased our tickets for this summer. Tim and Karen are coming here on 24 June and we'll all leave together on 2 July. We'll be in Minot the first week and then in Michigan for a week. Another short trip. Hopefully it won't be as busy as the last one was.

I need to go make a couple more things for the baby shower tomorrow and get ready to go to Steve's. We're meeting with Steve and Barbara today about hosting a conference while Sheila Harper is here.

Oh! Some more good news. The Baptist church published a little book called Meetings with God. It has testimonies of people from all over Slovenia. I had to go ask my neighbor friend about parking cars by their barns for the baby shower so I took her a copy of this book. This is the lady who’s 10 month old died suddenly in her sleep last October. She said she's very happy, but she still has hard days. She really appreciated it and thanked me. Then she said they're expecting another baby in July!


Blogger Mary said...

Yeah! A new baby. I am glad she was able to become pregnant again and if you talk to her, you can tell her that she is being prayed for.

5:54 AM  

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