Brotherly Love
The boys got their first bath together. They enjoyed it. They always seem to enjoy their together time. One morning Timothy put Clay in Thad's bed. Ooh! The giggles of delight! The bath time fun came to an end when Clay slipped and bumped his elbow. Thad is such a sensitive little thing he cried more than Clay.
Thadeus is not actually crawling, but has developed quite an "army crawl". He's pretty speedy. This new found independence is very much enjoyed and is preferred to being held! "No problem, Kid." The boys played together tonight, Clay trying to explain to Thadeus that they were puppies. I don't think he got it, but he relished the positive attention he received from Clay while he tried to keep up with him around the kitchen.
The boys and I walked to the little grocery store this evening. Well, I walked. Clay rode in the backpack and Thadeus in the small stroller. I think it's about a mile up there and Timothy picked us up on his way home from work. We played on the playground for a couple hours until he came. Clay mastered climbing up the slide the wrong way. Thadeus and I sat in the grass and clapped our hands.
Clay has discovered the wonderful world of sock lint. One morning recently while he was getting dressed he sat down and pulled his toes apart one-by-one and said, "Nope. Nope. Nope." That's if there was no lint. If there was lint he said, "Yep!" and set to getting it out from between those long toes.
This morning I opened their bedroom door to see if Clay was awake yet. Thadeus normally gets up around 6 and then Clay makes an appearance about an hour later. He was lying there with his eyes open, but wouldn't speak to me. Okay, I walked away. A few minutes later he came to his door and was whispering something about it being open. He closed it in my face and we heard him run and get back in bed. Not exactly a morning person I guess.
So where's the picture?
Girl! I love your stories and your attitude. You just go with the flow and that is so great. I miss you guys. I am almost finished with rading Wild At Heart. What a great book. Talk to ya! Love Tammy
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