I Missed It!
As I said in my email yesterday, I stayed home sick from church. Last week there was a drama group from England who did a sketch on the life of Peter. Much like Images used to do; creatively using a small amount of props and humorous dialogue to get the point across. They went with the older kids in Sunday school to work on something for yesterday's service and I almost suggested to Timothy to take the video camera so that I could see what they did, but then I thought, "It's just a sketch and it's not as if my child will be performing..." Little did I know, Clay would be in his first drama yesterday...AND I MISSED IT!!! He was one of the Philistine soldiers and he also helped make the sound of the sea...AND I MISSED IT!!! He redid the sea sound for me later at home though.
Timothy has introduced the Muppet Movie to Clay. He's been asking us, "Watch Muckets?"
I've almost gotten my garden back into shape. Chena Underhill gave me a few pointers on growing tomatoes and Saturday I put the dahlias back out. The horseradish is way overgrown and needs to be thinned out. Also on Saturday, I discovered what we thought was some kind of nut tree is a cherry tree! I'm gettin' a craving for some cherry crisp!
Hey Girl! Where you been? Check out the blog! I miss you guys! When are you coming here? Love ya!
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