Our Temporary Child
No, I have not fallen off the face of the earth... A week ago tonight we found out about Alexandra. She had gotten in touch with the pastor in Nova Gorica to get help for a drug addiction by going to the center in Spain. This pastor is from Ivana's home church and the same center in Spain where she lived for three years. As soon as Ivana told us of Alexandra, how she was living on the street and that she had taken the initiative on her own to get help, Timothy and I looked at each other and knew.
Ivana picked her up late last Thursday night and they just left tonight for the airport in Milan, Italy. I now have much more education on the drug addicted person than I ever wanted and I know it was only the tip of the ice burg. She isn't what is considered to be a bad case. I want to feel relieved that we got her out the door and that life inside our house is back to normal, but I know I won't rest easy until Ivana comes back tomorrow telling me that Alexandra got on that plane.
I've lived such a protected life and thank you Dad, from the bottom of my heart! I haven't heard so many lies thrown together in such a short amount of time since Clinton was in office! And the manipulation! Ugh! Drug addicts are not my calling.
One minute she would be asking questions about the Bible and amazed that God would speak to her and the next saying how Jesus abandoned her and He doesn't love her. I enjoy roller coasters, but this has been too much.
I'm afraid to say too much. We're praying and hoping that Alexandra comes back completely restored. I know half of the things that were coming out of her mouth were not the real Alexandra. And it was amazing to me how God gave us discernment and wisdom. I've never thought of myself as a quick thinking person, but during each argument I was able to see through the crap and give a good response...until tonight at least. I saw through the crap, but I spoke a bit hastily.
Anyway, some very hard lessons have been learned in the past week. I've started doing some real self examination, going deeper in then I've ever wanted to go. It's been especially hard on Ivana. She's been the recipient of all of Alexandra's anger. She'll be driving through the night tonight and I don't expect to see her back before noon tomorrow. She's so exhausted emotionally I'm sure she could sleep solidly for three days. We ended up paying for the ticket out of our own pockets. If for some reason Alexandra doesn't get on the plane we told Ivana to change the name to hers and go for a vacation to see her friends in the center. She liked that idea.
There’s a lot more I would like to write, but I’m not sure I should. I also wanted to send some update on the boys, but it will have to wait again.
Wow, that doesn't sound like much fun. Let us know what happens.
I don't know what to say except that you are being prayed for by me today. God will lead you. I can't imagine how hard it is to open your home and be vulnerable while you have young ones to look out for.
Kristy, you are a blessing and anointed of God. You are in my prayers and also the one's that you and Tim are being used to minister to. That is why we are here. Praise God for you obedience. Love you! Tam
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