Thursday, June 29, 2006

Once again, I've fallen behind and have forgotten so many of the cute moments that make up my days. So, I'll just tell ya'll about the present, or as much of the present as I can talk about at 10:43 p.m.

Tim and Karen, Timothy's parents, are here visiting. We picked them up from the airport last Saturday. I told Clay it was time to go, but he was playing with his friends down the street and didn't want to leave. I told him we were going to go to the airport and see airplanes. That worked. He was all excited! Timothy asked him where we were going, "A aiw poe." Then Timothy asked why and the response was, "A see aiw pane."

Clay knew who these people were as soon as he saw them and is now beside himself with these grown playmates. Grandma is making cookies (and cookies and more cookies and brownies!) and Grandpa is able to do strange things with his ears... You'd have to see it to believe it. He can even take one of his fingers off!

I was upstairs taking care of Thadeus this evening and heard Clay coming down the hallway, "Mommy! Daddy! Mommy! Daddy! Mommy! Daddy!" He came in carrying a plate of cookies for us! He'd made it up the stairs with the plate all on his own. Evidently Grandma had suggested he share with us and he was determined to do what he was told to.

The potty training is going really well. Even in a diaper he doesn't want to go unless he's on the potty. Timothy, Clay and Grandpa went camping yesterday and stayed over night; it was my first night away from Clay. When they got in today Clay didn't want to use the potty, he wanted to go to the bathroom outside.

Thad is pulling himself up and has four teeth. He wants to walk non-stop. He continues to be such an affectionate little thing, but is starting to come into his own and will push away if he's had too much. He's finally started getting that 'm' sound out and has been saying "Mama". Of course, it's hard to tell if he knows what he's saying or not, but I sure do enjoy hearing it.


Blogger Mary said...

I'm so jealous of your ability to potty train. Owen is still not interested.
Kris' parents are at our house right now kids are center stage and loving it!

6:32 AM  

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