I'm still recovering from last weekend's Bible school training. Lots of new things and I'm trying to become the kind of church-goer that doesn't just hear something and assume it's true b/c the man of God at the front of the room said so. I'm really having a hard time with some of this stuff and want to listen to the CD's when they get done several times before really commenting on it.
However, we were very blessed this weekend in several ways. First off, Saturday morning after a time of prayer at the "alters" Timothy and I were standing off to the side at the front of the room embracing and talking about some different things. Franz, the pastor at the church there, came up and started praying over us about a house! hmm He said that our house would be full of love, full of mercy, a house of praise, a house of worship, a house of peace, a house of light, a house where God's Kingdom would be seen and where angels would reside. Isn't that something!
A couple months ago an older lady in our church had told Timothy she always sees two angels by him when he's playing the drums. This sweet saint is always seeing visions and angels and we thanked her and just said, "That's nice." Another lady told Timothy that this weekend, that there were two angels with him. Maybe the old lady at church isn't hallucinating? ha ha! The interesting thing here is that Timothy has had a desire to see and have a better understanding of angelic beings for about a year now.
I think that's all I'm going to share for now. There was a strong emphasis on the supernatural and spiritual realm this weekend and I have a lot I need to work out for myself. I've been in churches on both sides of this, from the conservative, to the hyper-spiritual where I felt the Holy Spirit had been very offended by being so mis-used and probably lied about. This morning I asked the Holy Spirit to speak to me very specifically that I would know exactly how He feels about all this. It's like Ram said yesterday when I was discussing this with him and Sally, "I would rather ere on the side of conservatism and not grieve the Holy Spirit or possibly hurt brothers and sisters."
I do believe in the spiritual realm. I've been used in a deliverance situation, I've been in a church service where a man died and we prayed and he came back to life, etc. But I believe this is all a tight rope for church leaders. I would rather evaluate everything about the equipment, the manufacturer, the height and the length before I start my walk.
The funny thing is, I'm not usually like that. When I first learned about the baptism of the Holy Spirit and speaking in tongues I was all for it. I accepted it easily. It feels like I've been thrown about on very choppy waters for the past 10 years ("This is truth." "No, that's emotions. This is truth.") and now that things have "calmed down" I want to be sure that there isn't something lurking underneath the surface.