Life in Ljubljana

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Hey look at that! A picture on my post! This is from the wedding Saturday. This is a picture of the groom giving his testimony. This was a very different wedding. The whole point was to put Jesus Christ in people's faces. We enjoyed it.

I first walked into this church over a year and a half ago. From that time I've had ideas of what a beautiful wedding setting it makes. I got to make my ideas a reality! Nana and Matjaz (the bride and groom) didn't see the church until they walked in for the wedding. That was the really cool part for me. I'd told them my ideas, but when they saw it they were wowed. Okay, Nana was more than wowed. It made her break down and cry so it took her a minute to get down the aisle. They told me they were only able to spend $50! I added what I could and the church bought some of the decorations for future use. The most beautiful piece in my opinion was the rug. It belongs to Sally and I have always admired it. It was perfect for this.

Timothy was an awesome help, running errands, climbing ladders, hanging red "stuff" and watching Clay. Ivana was able to see how the fabric should look and helped in that area. I just knew I wanted it up there, I didn't know how to get it there.

Of course, I'll send a few more pictures of the wedding with the next album I send. One funny thing I have to tell though, several of our friends from Austria were there and one of the girls had on a tight, low-cut dress. She stopped to talk to Timothy, but Timothy got away as quick as he could. He told me later he's just going to start telling women, "Look, I'd love to stay here and chat to you, but with a dress like that it gives people the wrong idea."

Thadeus now has two teeth and tried to pull up on something today! Unfortunately, it was the clothes basket so he fell right back down and bumped his head, but it wasn't anything major. He also got his first disciplinary smack today. He was playing with something I didn't want him to have so I pulled him away, took his little hand and gave it a "firm" pat while saying, "No, no." His eyes turned red and watery and his bottom lip came out. The overall expression said, "How could you do this to me?" I turned my back because I had to laugh.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

New Accomplishments

Thadeus has his first tooth! It's been bothering him for some time. Yesterday I could see it right under the skin and about midnight last night he woke up yelling. Uh, hu. I fed him and got him back to sleep and then felt around. Sure enough, there was the edge of it jutting through the gum. He slept the rest of the night...but Clay didn't. I'm not sure why...

Thadeus has also been scooting on his belly. Yesterday I locked the keypad on the telephone and set it a little ways in front of him. He would push with his feet until his bottom was in the air and then maneuver his top half forward until he got it. I need to capture that on video.

On the Clay front... His newest phrases are: "Daddy (or whom ever he's looking for) where are w-you?" He sings this question. Then when he finds who or what he's looking for he says, "Oh! Dare you-war!" We told him Frank and Chena Underhill's daughter Ruth was coming for a visit. I said, can you say "Ruth"? He says, "Jermy an Oof." I told Ruth about that. She said he's about ten years too late. Yesterday Clay was trying to tell me something and calling me 'Honey' instead of 'Mommy'.

Monday, April 17, 2006

Now What?

My busy spring is drawing to a close this week, but other things are already in the works. I'm almost ready for Nana's wedding Saturday. I made 8 little rose/daisy flower arrangements for the church pews that will also double as throwing bouquets. We have all but one item we need for the we just need to get into the church and put it all up!

Shortly after moving into this house the landlords came to us with some sob story about how they were lied to by the realtor and didn't know they had to pay so much in taxes; blah, blah, blah. So, they've been talking about kicking us out almost as soon as we got in. This is highly inconvenient! A couple weeks ago they called and said we can stay if we'll pay 100 more euros/month. No. The price is listed in the four year contract, which they signed. Also, according to the contract, they have no legal grounds to ask us to leave. I wonder if they read the contract.

We'll start looking. These people have done other things that make them appear very dishonest. We don't feel we can trust them, but we are going to refuse to bend over backwards for them. We'll leave when we find the right house for us, not when it's convenient for them. If they want us out sooner they can hire a realtor to help us look!

Last night we had a meeting of the core leaders of the church. Steve has been made an offer to buy a large space for our church. I didn't catch everything, but it sounds like the owner almost cut the price in half when he found out we were evangelicals. He's had other contact with Christians like us and was excited to meet more since he'd lost touch with those people. It's still a lot of money, more than our church makes, which makes the lady who does our finances nervous. But, new salvations are starting to be seen almost every day. Last summer, in June I think, there was a word of knowledge given to Steve at another leaders meeting, that we need to be ready in 18 months.

Slovene's are so funny. We spent hours last night, every one saying the same thing, over and over. Basically there were two simple decisions that needed to be made. 1: Are we interested? 2: What is the next step? It took three hours to answer these two simple questions b/c everyone had a story to tell or an opinion to add to the pot, but mostly stories to tell! Crazy Slovenes! Once these two questions were answered Ram and Timothy kept saying, "Okay, let's pray and go home."

We feel like we're in Vision to Victory all over again. One of the things discussed was sacrificial giving. Timothy mentioned moving into an apartment in town and selling one of our cars. We'll just wait and see where the Lord leads.

Last summer my sister Mary wrote in her blog about having faith for everything. I can't remember off the top of my head the details of what she wrote, but it has certainly stuck with me. Since Thadeus' birth life has seemed out of control. I'm used to being in control. So many things have come up this spring (baby showers, wedding, SaveOne conference, driving, etc.) and I really felt "allowed" to do them. It means I've had to commit each moment to God, step back and watch the magic! There is no way all of this could have been accomplished by me. Things have just fallen into place when and how they should.
Seeing all of this happen through me, but seemingly without me, gives me the confidence to face the next challenge with the landlords and, my next big venture, Slovene lessons!

Friday, April 14, 2006

I Passed!!!

I had my driving exam today and passed!!! This is a huge amount of stress off of me. In the next couple weeks I should get my Slovene license.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Getting To Know You

Last night Thadeus wouldn't settle down at bedtime. This is highly unusual for the little guy. He may fuss or complain for a few minutes, but last night it was going on and on. Then Clay was getting annoyed so he started crying too. Finally I went up there, picked Thad up and sat on Clay's bed. Thadeus started sucking on my robe and was out in minutes. This is when I realized that I hadn't given him his blanket. I didn't think he needed it b/c he had a sleeping bag on, but I realized that is how he puts himself to sleep, by sucking on his blanket. Clay had a pacifier, Thadeus has a blanket. Okay.

After Thadeus was sleeping it was easier for Clay to settle down. He's been chanting at bedtime, "No sleep. No sleep." I told him he is not to go to sleep! I also told him he had to stay on his bed and not make any noise, which he agreed to, but on no uncertain terms was he to even close his eyes. The reverse psychology is beginning to work with him.

I have Driving School again this morning. My instructor lives close to us so she'll pick me up and we'll drive back here. I have my exam on Friday morning. Pray for me!

Thursday, April 06, 2006


I was getting ready this morning and could hear Clay and Thadeus across the hall in the family room. Clay was saying, "Good job, Baby! Good job, Baby!" I was able to peak in without being noticed. They were sitting facing each other, but a little ways apart, beside each other. Thadeus had a toy and Clay had the piano. Thadeus would reach over and hit Clay on the leg with his toy and Clay would say, "Ouch!" and then hit Thadeus back on his leg. I think Thad thought this was a game. After the second or third time Clay took Thad's toy away from him and turned back to Thadeus with that infamous index finger sticking out, "No, no, Baby!"

They played a little longer and then I heard Clay apologize and peaked back in, in time to see him give Thadeus his toy back. I'm so glad they're starting to interact more.

Several days ago Thad was lying on his stomach and very annoyed that he wasn't being held. Clay got down on his stomach so their noses were almost touching. He tried to rub Thad's head and comfort him, "It's okay, Baby; it's okay."

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Speech Therapy

This morning Clay was getting his morning vitamin. I asked him what color he thought it would be today and he gave his standard reply of "bue". It was red and he repeated "reb" after me. I told him to look at Mommy's mouth and enunciated "red" and especially the 'd'. He said, in Clay-ese, "Mommy, look at Clay's mouth; 'reb'."

Second driving lesson this morning. The instructor talks so much I get very flustered and confused. Here I go!

Sunday, April 02, 2006


Thad and I stayed home from church this morning. He's feverish, runny nose, know; typical teething baby stuff. He's a little more playful this morning which is nice. He's here on my lap and trying to help type.

I've been trimming the evergreen trees at the front of our property. It was a small jungle out there when we first moved in, but slowly it's getting under control. I'll finish trimming today and get some grass seed this week to finish off that area. I'd like to get a nice bench to put there. It would be a lovely outside reading area. Maybe I'll take a picture so ya'll can see what I'm talking about.

We went to Jim and Margery Gilson's for dinner yesterday evening. Clay got to wear his new jacket but didn't want to put it on at first b/c he thought it really was Daddy's jacket. I showed him how it wouldn't fit a grown up and so he tried it. He ended up really liking it. He's so particular about clothing and shoes. I put his dress shoes on him to go to church and he had a fit b/c it wasn't his sneakers. He complained that they were uncomfortable, but I'm not sure I believed him. I told Ivana she could change them if he was still complaining later.

Clay went with Ivana to church and then they'll go to a birthday party for one of the little boys. Clay is going to his first birthday party without me! Ivana made sure to tell everyone, even the non-interested parties, she would probably be late getting to the party b/c Peter would be coming to our church this morning so she was going to stay behind to be with him. "Ah, Scarlet! Will you be forever seventeen?" I have days when I'm a complete Troyer and want to shake her and tell her to quit acting like a child (she's 25).

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Bad Movies

We watched Syriana last night. It has been here in the theater for a while now, but last night was the first "date night" we've had in a long time. I guess if you're more knowledgeable about politics and into the history of the 1980's and what all happened (the movie isn't set in the eighties, but there are definite references) it might be a bit more interesting. For us it was a bit depressing.

We stayed up and watched Proof Thursday night. In the words of my favorite comedian, "If you get a chance to do that, pass on that." Why do the stupid movies always win the awards? There was absolutely no point and no closure in that melodramatic, Gwyneth Paltrow-trying-to-pass-for-a-27-year-old movie.

Anyway... We taught Thadeus to lift his hands in the air when we say Praise the Lord. He's been sitting at the table with us for meals and he'll lift his arms and beat the table so I lifted my arms way up high and said, "Praise the Lord!" Timothy and Ivana did it too (it was breakfast and Clay wasn't up yet) and Thad just looked around enjoying the game we were playing.

At lunch he looked at me with an obvious "the wheels are turning in my little brain" look. Then he smiles and lifts his arms up high! Ah! Then we all had to do it and say "Praise the Lord!"

Yesterday we went to visit Lucija and Baby Vita. Thadeus waited until he had Lucija's attention and lifted his hands, BUT he kept his head kind of down and to the side in a very bashful showing off move. It was adorable! Lucija didn't know what he was doing, but my heart was melted.

We went shopping to get Clay a jacket. He has a rain coat, but those stiff coats aren't really good for playing in. We went to H&M (that's for Christina) and looked around and about the time I spotted a rack of emerald green jackets Clay sees them too and says, "Daddy's jacket!" Timothy's jacket is green. I love how he relates everything to his dad, so we got the jacket.

The other day we were working in the flower beds at the front of the house and a red car goes by that is the sedan version of Timothy's red car. Clay went nuts! "Daddy! Daddy's home!" He took off running after the car and when it stopped and an old man got out he wasn't quite sure what to do. He found some rocks to throw so it ended okay.

We've hit a new level of testing with Clay though. It seems like no matter what I say he's determined to do the opposite! I know this is natural and I've really worked at being firm but gracious, but it's driving me nuts.

It's beautiful this morning, but there's a chance it won't stay this way. I want to get into the garden while I can...